April 03, 2020
Design With Us – Let’s get creative with our activity pages!
With lots of time at home these days and as light-relief from home-schooling, we have come up with some fun ACTIVITY PAGES and PAPER DOLLS to color in, cut out and play with using creativity and imagination.
Personally, I am never happier than when I am designing, and bright colors actually make me feel contented and lift my mood. When I design I love that I am creating something out of nothing, so it gives me a strong sense of satisfaction. I have also heard that artistic activity can make us feel calm and bring us joy in difficult times.

Carefully cut out dolly & dress her up in the different outfits! Simply fold over the tabs at the edges of the clothes to give dolly a different outfit to wear for each activity in her day!
You can also design your own, get creative & try out different color combinations, design your own prints & why not add a bit of embellishment with some glitter, stickers, ribbons, buttons and glue! These activity sheets and more are all available to download on our website www.rachelriley.com

We can't wait to see all your outfit ideas! Share them with us on Instagram and Facebook, tag us @rachelrileyus or email your designs to mailorder@rachelriley.com
When we have enough entries we would love to set up a creative community of children who like to design clothing and other items. We might even get creative ourselves and put some of these designs onto garments, once we are all allowed back to our design studio!
Design your very own cute outfits for dolly, then cut them out and start your collection! You can make as many as you want so she has a fabulous wardrobe for when she can go out and show them off. And if you don’t like your first attempt, try a few different options. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try and try again.

Color in some of the fun designs and prints from our collection. You can ask members of your family if they want to create some of their own designs too.
It’s quite relaxing to all be working side-by-side on similar projects, and you can also compare your ideas, and share your results. I always think that ‘creativity breeds creativity’ and it was Diana Vreeland, the Editor of American Vogue from who said that ‘ideas are like toadstools, the more you pick the more that grow’!
Don't forget if you share any of your designs on Instagram or Facebook tag us @rachelrileyus - we'd love to see them!

You can play around with color, and you can also play around with scale. Try printing designs out oversized or in miniature, and you will see that it makes quite a difference to the overall design. You can also cut pieces out and glue them back together, making for some interesting collages and mix-and-match. Most importantly, have fun, as designing is all about freedom and feeling playful and happy. Enjoy your designing and coloring!
We are looking forward to seeing your designs too as sharing your creative moments gives us all a sense of pride.